Immerse yourself in the magic of the beloved "Nightmare Before Christmas" with this exquisite Sally Doll, encased in a satin-lined coffin that's as iconic as the film itself. A true collector's treasure, this piece is a limited edition, exclusive to 2000 units worldwide, celebrating the timeless appeal of Disney's Gothic-fantasy classic. Crafted with care, the doll captures the essence of Sally, the stitched together heroine who captures the hearts of fans across generations. It's a must-have for enthusiasts of the franchise and Disney memorabilia collectors, serving as a hauntingly beautiful reminder of the enchantment that continues to allure fans to the world of Nightmare Before Christmas. I've listed this as "used, " because the box has some wear, and the latches are paper, with velcro glued to them, which have been repaired/replaced.
However, the doll has never been displayed outside of the box, so it is in Mint/Near Mint condition. I also have Jack listed.